Two years ago

Changelog #0021 — 📯 Advanced import, GraphQL schema support, and more

Hello, API World! Check out what we shipped in v2022.16.0 of HTTPie for Web & Desktop 👇

🔖 Summary

📯 Import your Postman and Insomnia data to HTTPie

Since our public beta launch a few months ago, the adoption of HTTPie for Web & Desktop has been growing. Many of our new users have migrated from other API testing clients like Postman and Insomnia, and they’ve been asking for a smoother migration path.

So in this release, we focused on streamlining the migration process, and—in addition to the existing cURL import—you can now import entire collections, environments and data dump zips from Postman and Insomnia.


🚀 Migrate to HTTPie in a few simple steps

  1. Export your data from Postman or from Insomnia.
  2. Open the import dialog (Library → “+” → “Import…”).
  3. Drag & drop the exported file and click “Next…”.
  4. Select the target space and click “Import.”
  5. Done! Welcome to HTTPie 🤗

💡 Tip: Create a new space during the import to keep things tidy.

🛂 Import compatibility

Here’s an overview of what elements HTTPie currently imports from Postman and Insomnia and how. As we gradually add new features to HTTPie, we’ll continue to improve the import as well.

🛫️ Importing requests

Request elementImported?Notes
HTTP Requests
GraphQL requests
gRPC requests
Request methodIncluding custom ones.
Request URL
URL parameters
AuthBasic, bearer, API key, and inherited auth.
BodyText, raw, JSON, and form request bodies.
Body files

🍱️ Importing containers

CollectionsSee collection variables below.
Sub-foldersFolder hierarchy is preserved as breadcrumbs in request names.

🖼️️ Importing environments & variables

Default variables
Collection variablesWe move non-global variables to the space level and refactor names and references to ensure uniqueness.

💧 Importing other elements

Other elementImported?Notes
ScriptingPre-request scripts, tests, and dynamic tags.
Meta dataSchemas, documentation, field descriptions, and response examples.
Custom settings

🪄 Easier GraphQL APIs testing with schema support

When talking to GraphQL APIs, HTTPie will automatically fetch the schema from the server. That means the app is now aware of all the available queries, mutations, and the hierarchy of types, which allows us to boost your productivity with auto-complete and validation.

GraphQL auto-complete and validation in action

See auto-complete suggestions as you type, and to invoke the menu manually, press ⌃Space.

HTTPie auto-fetches the schema using the current request’s URL and authentication. To refresh the schema, select “Update from server” from the new “Schema” menu. And to disable schema for a particular tab, uncheck “Auto-apply schema.”

GraphQL schema loading menu

In addition to schema support, the GraphQL client now comes with code folding and other quality-of-life improvements.

✨ Other improvements

  • Improved cURL import with support for ANSI-C quoting shell syntax (e.g., $'string'). This syntax is used by Chrome DevTools when exporting a request that includes a body as cURL, among others.
  • HTTPie for Desktop now remembers the window's position. This way, you don't have to move it every time you launch it.
  • On HTTPie for Windows, the title bar color now respects the system.
  • The request definition tables no longer jump when switching tabs.
  • We’ve added error boundaries to tabs and other components for more robust exception handling and recovery.
  • The text search had some issues with very long lines. Now it’s fixed.
  • Spelling and autocorrect in the filter field is now disabled.

🤩 Happy API testing, and see you again soon!