HTTPie Desktop docs


HTTPie Desktop is a cross-platform API testing client for humans. Use it to test REST, GraphQL, and HTTP APIs painlessly.

HTTPie Desktop

Getting started

HTTPie Desktop is available for desktop and mobile browsers and as a dedicated desktop app for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

HTTPie Web

HTTPie’s Web app is equivalent to the desktop app, except for certain limitations.

HTTPie Desktop

HTTPie's desktop app lets you work locally and has a distraction-free interface.


  • Go to and click Download for Mac.
  • Open your Finder and go to Downloads.
  • Open the .dmg file and drag HTTPie into your Applications folder.


  • Go to and click Download for Windows.
  • Open the .exe file and follow the instructions to install.


The Linux package uses AppImage, and you need to install it using AppImageLauncher for the app to work:

  1. Install AppImageLauncher (instructions)
  2. Download HTTPie-*.AppImage (or HTTPie-*arm64.AppImage for ARM64 architecture) from the latest release page
  3. Run $ AppImageLauncher HTTPie-*.AppImage

Defining requests

Create and send requests to APIs with HTTPie.

To perform a request, HTTPie needs at least a method and a URL. Then, you can specify a variety of other details, such as headers, authentication, and body.

Request method

You need a method to indicate the desired action of your request. You can choose a variety of conventional methods (GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS).

Default methods

When starting a new request, HTTPie defaults GET and auto-switches to POST as soon as you add a body.

Custom methods

When testing APIs that use unconventional HTTP methods, you can supplement the default list with a method of your choosing.

Select the last option in the method drop-down and type away.

Custom HTTP method

Request URL

You need a URL to indicate the address your request will go to. HTTPie highlights its path granularly for readability.

You can also use the URL for inserting query parameters directly.

Query parameters

If you find yourself manually constructing URLs with querystring parameters on the app, you may appreciate the parameters form for appending them to the URL.

Check the preview to debug the final results.

Path parameters

HTTPie supports path parameters, allowing you to parametrize URL path segments. To introduce a path parameter, use the /:param syntax inside the URL. The “Params” request tab then splits into two sections, one for query params and the other for path params, which is already showing the newly added one.

Rename params directly from the URL or in the “Path params” table. Remove it from the URL to get rid of it. As with variables, you can escape path params with a backslash.

Request headers

To set custom HTTP request headers, use the headers form.

HTTPie will send them sorted by name and capitalized. Check them out in the preview.

Default headers

There are a couple of default headers that HTTPie sets.

  • Content-Length
  • Content-Type
  • Host:
  • User-Agent: HTTPie

These can be overwritten when you manually insert another header with the same name.

Headers auto-complete

HTTPie auto-completes the header names you start typing. Choose the right one from the suggestions, and you're set.

Same-name headers

If you define multiple headers with the same name, HTTPie will merge their values into a single comma-separated header.

Request auth

You may set Authentication at the request level or collection level.

The currently supported authentication schemes are Basic, Bearer token and API key. Look for the switcher at the bottom left.

Basic auth

Bearer auth

Use the Bearer token auth for OAuth 2.0 and other token-based authentication schemes via the request header Authorization: Bearer my-token

If you need a different prefix than Bearer, you can achieve that by using the generic API key auth instead.

API key auth

For when you need to authenticate requests using API key as a custom header or a URL parameter.

API key auth in HTTPie requests through parameters

Request body

The currently supported body types are Text, Form, File and GraphQL. Look for the switcher at the bottom left.

Text body type

The text request body has these subtypes:

  • Raw: Any textual content with text/plain as the default content type.
  • JSON: JSON-specific text editor and application/json as the default content type.
  • XML: XML-specific text editor and application/xml as the default content type.
  • YAML: YAML-specific editor and text/yaml as the default content type.

Check also the ability to search & replace. It might come in handy.

Form body type

HTTPie takes two form types:

  • URL-encoded - for text or text-files only
  • Multipart - accepts any file

You can easily switch from one to the other while keeping its content.

File upload body type

GraphQL body type

HTTPie has built-in support for crafting GraphQL requests.


You can specify multiple body types and quickly toggle between them. This feature is useful when a specific API endpoint accepts both JSON and form data, for example.

Multi-body hints

There's an indicator in the switcher for each body type that has some data specified.


To ensure the body of your request is humanly readable and navigable, use the prettify feature. It will automatically format your code so that your brain’s free to do other things.

Prettify JSON in HTTPie requests

Look for the wand icon at the bottom of the code editor. Currently available for JSON and GraphQL requests.


GraphQL is a popular API query language created at Facebook. It’s designed to help develop strongly typed APIs that give clients the power to ask for precisely the data they need while minimizing the number of requests.

GraphQL requests

Under the hood, GraphQL requests are regular POST requests. But HTTPie has built-in support for crafting GraphQL requests to improve your experience when talking to GraphQL APIs.

GraphQL API support in HTTPie

Choose “GraphQL” as the body type, then specify your GraphQL query and JSON variables separately. You get syntax highlighting and other features specific to each language.

GraphQL schema

HTTPie auto-fetches the schema from the server. That means the app is aware of all the available queries, mutations, and the hierarchy of types, which allows us to boost your productivity with auto-complete and validation.

GraphQL auto-complete and validation in action

See auto-complete suggestions as you type, and to invoke the menu manually, press ⌃Space.

Schema auto-fetch

HTTPie auto-fetches the schema using the current request’s URL and authentication. To refresh the schema, select “Update from server” from the new “Schema” menu. And to turn off schema for a particular tab, uncheck “Auto-apply schema.”

GraphQL schema loading menu


HTTPie provides a real-time updated preview of the raw HTTP request without the need to send it:

Preview panel opening

The preview panel also supports code snippet generation. Make some changes to your request and see them instantly reflected in the preview — it’s like a WYSIWYG editor for API calls code. Look for the switcher at the bottom left to choose your target language:

Code generator in Preview

See all request export options.


The export and import system allows for data backups, simple sharing, and publishing. You can export/import spaces, environments, collections, and individual requests in a JSON format. You can also export requests as code snippets in many languages and CLI commands.

Export a space

Invoke "Export…" from a space context menu, optionally customize the selection, and save the data as a JSON file or copy it to the clipboard.

Export an HTTPie workspace

You can open a space's context menu by right-clicking its name in the sidebar or the space tab title. You can also use the three-dot menu inside the space tab.

Export private items

Drafts and local-only environments are not included in space exports by default. These items are always private, so their inclusion in a space export requires an explicit opt-in. To include private items, check the "Show private items" option to reveal them in the space export dialog so you can manually add them.

Export private data

Export a collection

Similar to exporting a workspace, right-click any collection, select "Export…", optionally customize, save or copy to complete the export.

Export an HTTPie collection

Export a request

When exporting a request that uses inherited authentication, you'll see an option to embed the authentication in the exported request. Similarly, if the request references variables, you may substitute them by embedding their values.

The JSON format represents requests as full documents. For example, if you've specified a JSON body and switched to a form body, the exported data will contain the inactive JSON body (unless you delete it). Treating the data as a document instead of code means that the request doesn't need to be valid to be exportable in this format, unlike other formats.

Export code snippet

You can also export individual requests as code snippets in many languages using the Preview panel. Available languages include "HTTPie Desktop" format, which provides a real-time preview of how a request is serialized as JSON. This can be helpful when developing tools that are interoperable with HTTPie through the JSON format.

Export cURL

You can export a request as a cURL command using by selecting the cURL option in the preview or by copying it from the request context menu.

cURL command generation

See also cURL import.

Export HTTPie CLI

You can export a request as an HTTPie CLI command using by selecting the “HTTPie CLI” option in the preview or by copying it from the request context menu.

HTTPie command generation

Copy as command

You can quickly copy requests as cURL and HTTPie CLI commands and access all code snippet export options directly from a request context menu.

Export an environment

Use the three-dot menu to export individual environments:

Clipboard export

For efficiency, you can copy and paste text instead of dealing with files. Each export dialog offers a "Copy as JSON" action through the copy icon located to the left of the save button. Switch to the "Text" tab inside the import dialog when importing from the clipboard.

This method allows you to easily copy/paste simple exports such as JSON from/to communication platforms instead of downloading and sending files. The text mode import also works for all other import sources, from Postman to cURL.

Selective export

When exporting or importing a space, collection, or environment, you can browse the object hierarchy using the expander buttons to review what is included. For spaces and collections, you can additionally customize the selection. This allows you to export or import a space while excluding specific collections/requests/environments by unchecking them.

Export JSON format

The format is versioned and comes with a JSON schema and TypeScript types. It's designed as a robust solution for backup, simple sharing, interoperability across tools and platforms, and publishing. You can find the schema and types on GitHub:


Import target

You can choose whether to import into a new space or use an existing one. This applies to all import types. Additionally, when importing a whole space into an existing one, you can update some or all of the existing space’s metadata with the ones included in the export (name, icon, and color).

HTTPie Desktop import

You can import JSON files with spaces, collections, requests, and environments exported from HTTPie.

cURL import

You can import cURL commands as requests into HTTPie:

HTTPie now supports cURL command import

This lets you quickly import cURL calls from scripts or import requests from Chrome DevTools. Find the “Import…” option under the + menu in your space library.

cURL import supports for ANSI-C quoting shell syntax (e.g., $'string'). This syntax is used by Chrome DevTools when exporting a request that includes a body as cURL, among others.

See also cURL export.

cURL shortcut

There’s also a quick hidden shortcut for importing cURL. Just paste a cURL command into the URL field and see what happens.

Import cURL command into HTTPie simply by pasting it into the URL bar

cURL input mode

Similar to AI-assisted request prompts, you can also manually type a cURL command into the URL field to switch it to cURL mode and import the resulting request:

Import cURL command into HTTPie simply by pasting it into the URL bar

Postman and Insomnia import

You can import entire collections, environments, and data dump zips from Postman and Insomnia.

  1. Export your data from Postman or from Insomnia.
  2. Open the import dialog (Library → “+” → “Import…”).
  3. Drag & drop the exported file and click “Next…”.
  4. Select the target space and click “Import.”
  5. Done! Welcome to HTTPie!
Import Postman

Tip: Create a new space during the import to keep things tidy.

Import compatibility

Here’s an overview of what elements HTTPie currently imports from Postman and Insomnia and how. As we gradually add new features to HTTPie, we’ll continue to improve the import as well.

Importing requests
Request elementImported?Notes
HTTP Requests
GraphQL requests
gRPC requests
Request methodIncluding custom ones.
Request URL
URL parameters
Path parameters
AuthBasic, bearer, API key, and inherited auth.
BodyText, raw, JSON, and form request bodies.
Body files
Importing containers
CollectionsSee collection variables below.
Sub-foldersFolder hierarchy is preserved as breadcrumbs in request names.
Importing environments & variables
Default variables
Collection variablesWe move non-global variables to the space level and refactor names and references to ensure uniqueness.
Importing other elements
Other elementImported?Notes
ScriptingPre-request scripts, tests, and dynamic tags.
Meta dataSchemas, documentation, field descriptions, and response examples.
Custom settings

Sending requests

When you are done defining a request, just hit "Send."

You'll receive back two messages: the request sent and the response.

Cancel requests

When you send a request and then change your mind, you can still cancel the in-progress transaction.

Request stats

For metadata on your request, check out the time and size info at the bottom of the response panel.

When you hover over it, you get more granular time & size stats.

Viewing messages

In HTTPie you can view three HTTP messages: request sent, response, and the extra request preview.

In the request sent and response, headers are presented as a table and collapsed when there's a body. It makes the messages more readable, yet they'll still be exported in their standard format.

Copy and download messages

To export messages, copy them using the three-dot menu at the bottom right for a standard format.

Copy the entire message, copy just the headers, or copy only the body.

Save body as file from the message menu

You can also save a body as a file directly from the client.

Rendered response body

When the server sends back a response type for which there’s a human-friendly preview mode, HTTPie renders the response as if you were in a browser to make it easier to digest.

It’s especially helpful when you’re debugging APIs and get back rich error pages, need to get through a CAPTCHA, etc.

Preview toggle

The preview mode is currently available for HTML responses. You can switch back to the source view by toggling it off.

Interactive URLs

URLs are one of the main building blocks of the internet, and links and HyperText have been with us since Web 1.0. Now, in the era of APIs, they get a whole new purpose of allowing machines to navigate different resources exposed through an API.

Interactive URLs

HTTPie makes URLs interactive in all contexts, including the obvious response body, the request body editor, headers, and other places where URLs can be expected to occur.

URL options

Clickable links have a subtle underline. When you spot one, control-click (⌘-click on macOS) or right-click it to get a menu with the URL options.

All links allow you to copy and open the URL in the browser. Links in the response additionally offer several shortcuts for creating a new request using the given URL:

  • “Create new draft” creates a fresh new draft with that URL.
  • “Duplicate as draft” creates a new draft that is a complete copy of the current request (i.e., with all your headers, request body, auth, etc.) while using the new URL.
  • “Duplicate in collection” makes a copy of the current request with the new URL next to the original; only available if the current request belongs to a collection.

Relative URLs

Besides complete URLs, HTTPie also makes relative ones (like /api/users) interactive by prefixing the request’s base URL.


Search is available everywhere where long content can appear: In the body editor and the preview, request, and response panels. With it, you won’t feel like you’re looking for a needle in a haystack.

Message search

Activate the search field via a keyboard shortcut when the textarea is focused (macOS: ⌘F; Windows & Linux: ⌃F) or use the “Search” item in the menu.

RegExp search

Search & replace

In editable code editors, like when editing the request body text, you can additionally perform search & replace. Use the buttons inside the second field to either “Replace” matching occurrences one by one or “All” at once.

Search & Replace

RegExp search

Regular expressions (aka RegExps) are a powerful tool for searching for patterns in text, and you can use them for text matching in HTTPie as well.

When searching & replacing using a RegExp, reference matching groups in the replace field using the dollar-group-number syntax, where $0 references the whole match, $1 is the first group, etc.

$0The whole match
$1The first group
$9The ninth group


When talking to APIs you often deal with structured data like JSON, XML, and HTML. The explicit structure of these formats unlocks additional, more powerful ways of navigating and processing the data they contain.

With filtering, you can quickly analyze, transform, and selectively extract data from structured documents without leaving HTTPie.


The following data formats and query languages are available:

Data formatQuery language

Activate the filter field via a keyboard shortcut when the textarea is focused (macOS: ⇧⌘F; Windows & Linux: ⇧⌃F) or use the “Filter” item in the panel’s menu.

Data filtering is available everywhere where structured data can appear: in the preview and the request and response panels.

To filter the request body data you’re editing, open the preview panel and activate the filter there. The preview shows the effective request body with all variables already substituted, which allows more robust filtering.

Filter vs Search

Data filtering and text searching are independent features. You can, for example, filter a massive JSON response and still search inside the filtered output. To do that, simply open both the filter field (⇧⌘F) and the text search field (⌘F).


Spaces (short for workspaces) are containers for your projects. Each space is its own universe with a library, tab system, collections, saved requests, drafts, variables, and environments.

Multiple spaces

Your journey starts with a single space. But you can sign up and create as many spaces as you need.

When you have multiple spaces, you can easily switch from one to another.

HTTPie spaces

Sidebar library

The sidebar is the home of the space library with all collections, saved requests and drafts.

The versatile ➕ button allows you to create any space content from one place conveniently.

HTTPie create new button

To make it more accessible, you can also invoke a similar menu through a right-click anywhere in the empty space in the sidebar.

Right-click an empty area in the sidebar to open Library context menu

Tab system

Tabs have been around almost since GUIs became a thing. For a good reason: they’re great for organization and juggling multiple things simultaneously. HTTPie has them, too.

Use them to have several requests open in a single window.

Tabs — Create several HTTPie requests in a single window

Spaces and collections also have their tabs. You can manage their nested content and inheritable values.

Just hit the space or collection name in the sidebar, and it opens up.


Collections are folders with ever-growing superpowers where you can store requests.

HTTPie collections

To save and organize requests, go to the sidebar, create a new collection, and start adding requests to it. Then, create as many more as you need, with as many requests as you need as well.

Saved requests

Saved requests is what HTTPie calls requests nested inside collections, as opposed to drafts.

Moving collections and requests

You can quickly move requests around from one collection to another, either with the intuitive drag-and-drop or through the request’s context menu.

HTTPie collection drag and drop

Collections can be moved to a different space as well – no worries if you started at the wrong place. Nested requests will move, too.


Drafts are your ad-hoc requests, auto-saved in the built-in Drafts collection. They are fully functional and help you keep your collections uncluttered while experimenting with requests.

HTTPie drafts

The importance of drafts will grow as HTTPie grows into a collaboration tool, as they'll always be your private safe room.

Save drafts

To keep a request around permanently and organized, move it to a collection.

Clear all drafts

If you don't need a draft anymore, you're free to delete it. Or clean all drafts at once if you need a fresh start.


Every container in HTTPie (such as spaces and collections) has ever-growing inheritance powers. It means its children inherit its settings.

Collection auth

If you use collections to group requests to the same API and that API has an authorization process, you only need to set the authentication credentials once and relax from then on.

Collection auth

Set auth at the collection level in the collection tab, and it’ll auto-apply to every request that belongs to it.

If you go to a nested request, you’ll verify the inherited auth and be able to override it if needed.

Space variables and environments

Variables and environments are at the space level in HTTPie. You can use them inside of its nested items.


Variables allow you to build requests in a clean and don’t-repeat-yourself way.

Variables feature in HTTPie

Defining variables

Define variables inside the environment table in the current space tab. You can also quick-define variables using the autocomplete menu. Just type the new variable name, and choose “Define…”.

HTTPie Desktop — defining variables on the fly

When you invoke this action, HTTPie creates the variable and takes you directly to the value input. There, you can quickly provide the value for the currently selected environment.

If you have an existing reference to an undefined variable, you can define it through its context menu.

Variable names

Variables are case-sensitive and may contain only letters, numbers, underscores and dashes.

Referencing variables

Use the {{variableName}} syntax to reference variables from any request or collection within the space. As soon as you start typing a reference, HTTPie shows an autocomplete menu.

You can also quickly copy variable references from the variable toolbar in the table and then paste them where needed. The same action is also available via the “Copy reference” item in the variable reference context menu.

HTTPie Desktop — copy variable reference

Variable tokens

By default, variable references are presented as interactive tokens that you can interact with as opposed to their textual representation:

HTTPie Desktop — variable interactivity in action

Variable tokens are implemented keyboard-friendly: You can select one by moving the text cursor with the arrow keys. They can also be copied as text and pasted where needed, etc. Under the hood, they use the existing {{variableName}} syntax that you will still use to create variable references.

Variables text mode

You can switch an existing variable reference token to text mode for editing by double-clicking it or invoking “Edit reference” from the context menu:

HTTPie Desktop — editing variable references

Variables autocomplete

As soon as you start typing a new variable reference ({{) or editing an existing one, HTTPie offers suggestions where you can quickly search select an existing variable:

HTTPie Desktop — variables autocomplete in action

Variables toolbar

In the table with variables, each variable name has a toolbar that allows you to copy the variable reference, toggle masking, and refactor the variable name.

HTTPie Desktop — variables toolbar

Variables menu

The variable reference context menu exposes all your actions on variable references. Invoke it via a right-click (or pressing Enter when a variable reference token is selected):

HTTPie Desktop — menu for variables

The menu allows you to go to variable definition, copy variable reference, switch the reference to a textual mode for editing, refactor the variable name, inline the variable value, escape variable reference, and remove the reference with a click.

Go to variable definition

Quickly navigate to the variable definition from a reference using “Go to definition” from the context menu. It takes you directly to the value input for the selected environment.

HTTPie Desktop — go to variable definitions

Refactoring variables

You can quickly rename a variable while updating all its usages across all requests and collections in your space. This action is accessible through the variable toolbar and the variable reference context menu:

HTTPie Desktop — refactoring variable names

Inline variable

You can quickly replace a variable reference with its value from the currently selected environment:

HTTPie Desktop — replacing variables with values

Masked variables

Mark a variable as masked, and HTTPie conceals its values in the variable list so you don’t accidentally share them on a Zoom call, for example.

Secret variables in HTTPie

You can also take a quick peek at a masked variable value using the eye icon from the menu without turning off masking for the variable globally:

HTTPie Desktop — temporarily unmask a variable reference value

Please note that when previewing or exporting a request using the preview panel, masking is not applied and the full effective request is shown.

See also local-only environments for other advanced ways to deal with sensitive variables.

Debugging variables

It is often helpful to review the full HTTP request with variables already substituted before sending it. To do that, keep the preview panel open.

Undefined variables

If you reference a variable that doesn’t exist, HTTPie marks the reference red and prevents the request from being sent until the variable is declared. This way, you never have to deal with confusing results caused by unexpectedly undefined variables.

HTTPie Desktop — undefined variable

Use the “Define” action from the menu to quickly define the variable and provide its value.

If you get an undefined variable error while working a string that uses a variable-like syntax but should not be interpreted by HTTPie, you can escape it.

Recursive variables

You can reference a variable from another variable’s value. HTTPie resolves variables recursively to help you keep your spaces DRY.

Escaping variables

Use the backslash character (\) to escape strings that look like a {{variable}}, which you don’t want HTTPie to interpret. For example, when you want to pass a Nunjucks-style template as a string in the request body. Simply prefix the variable token with a backslash \{{variable}} or use the “Escape reference” item from the context menu:

HTTPie Desktop — escape variables

If you need to use a literal backslash before a variable, you can escape it with another backslash: \\{{name}} outputs \value.

The special case of outputting \{{name}} cannot be directly supported, but you can work around it by storing the backslash in a variable and using that instead of a raw backslash.

A summary of variable escaping scenarios:

Desired outputInput syntaxDescription
val{{key}}Simple substitution without escaping.
{{key}}\{{key}}Escape {{ with a backslash to disable variable substitution.
\val\\{{key}}Escape \{{ with another backslash to disable variable escaping.
\{{key}}{{BKSL}}\{{key}}Define and reference a custom variable BKSL holding the string \ to prevent the backslash from disabling escaping the variable.


Environments allow you to quickly swap between different contexts. A common practice is to have an API running in different environments—on your local machine, in staging, in production, etc.

Imagine you need to talk to the same API in production but also in a staging environment. The requests are the same, but the root URL and auth, for example, differ. You can turn those values into variables, so it’s easier to change them. And with environments, you can instantly toggle between different values for those variables:

Environments feature in HTTPie

You can create as many environments as you like and switch between them using the menu at the top right of the app.

Environment structure

An environment is a named set of variable values. In the environments table, rows represent variables, columns represent environments, and inner cells are specific values for a variable in a specific environment. So once you declare a variable, it exists in every environment in the space (possibly with differing or empty values).

Defaults environment

Every space starts with an empty environment called “Defaults.” It works as a regular environment, and you can use it exclusively for simple use cases.

When you create additional environments, they use values from Defaults for variables where you don’t explicitly specify a custom value. If you don’t need a default value for a variable, you can simply leave its value in Defaults empty.

Local-only environments

If you want to prevent some data from syncing to the HTTPie cloud and across your devices, you can store it as values in a local-only environment.

Local-only environments in HTTPie

When creating an environment, select the option to create a local-only one, and its values will never leave your device.

No environment

In some situations, you might want to temporarily prevent requests from accessing your variables altogether. By selecting the “No environment” option, you can achieve just that:

You can temporarily turn off variables in HTTPie

Currently, this option is most useful for debugging your requests. But, because variables can contain sensitive data, the importance of this feature will grow as HTTPie continues to add various import and sharing mechanisms.


You can duplicate almost any entity in HTTPie. This allows you to have templates and save time.

Duplicate requests

You can duplicate requests inside their collection as well as open them as a new draft for some ad-hoc testing.

Cloning from HTTPie collections

Duplicate collections

You can also duplicate whole collections for fast reuse.

Collection duplication

Duplicate environments

Environments are duplicable as well, as local or synced.


Under your avatar, in the bottom left corner, you have a menu with your profile and session info. Here you find everything related with your account, and also syncing, app updates and settings.


You can use HTTPie for Web & Desktop without an account. When you are not logged in—when you’re incognito—you still have access to most features apart from sync, creating new spaces, etc.

Incognito mode — you can use HTTPie for Web & Desktop without an account

The incognito mode works with local storage. When you decide to log in or sign up, we sync your incognito space into your account, and you can continue to work uninterrupted.


You can create an HTTPie account to unlock various benefits like:

Sign up

To create a new account, select “Log in with GitHub…” in the profile menu.

By signing up, you agree to terms and privacy.

Log in

To log into your existing account, select “Log in with GitHub…” in the profile menu.

Log out

To log out and delete all local data from the app, select “Log out…” in the profile menu.

Data storage

HTTPie always persists your data in local storage, which allows you to work offline and incognito. Yet, with the data cloud sync, you can fully benefit from the entire HTTPie universe.

Real-time sync

As long as you have an account and you're connected to the Web, your data is backed up to our secure cloud and synchronized across your devices.

Real-time sync across devices

When you change something, it’s instantly updated on your other clients. Start working in the Web app, switch to the Desktop app, and check some request details on your phone later.

Real-time sync

Trigger sync manually

Triggering sync manually shouldn't be necessary, but, if you ever need to, select "Sync now" in the profile menu.

Sync status

To see the current sync status, check out your profile menu.

Data security

All synced data is encrypted at transit between the HTTPie cloud and clients (SSL) and at rest in a backed-up AWS RDS storage with redundancy (AES).

All sensitive data—your requests, auth credentials, variables, etc.—are additionally encrypted at the server-side before storage and decrypted on client access (AES).


You might be wondering, can I still test my local API on a plane trip if I need to? Sure thing! HTTPie works offline first.

You can continue to work as usual when your computer is offline (or our cloud is temporarily down). HTTPie simply continues to persist your data in local storage and resumes syncing once the connection is restored.


You don’t have to worry about hitting save because HTTPie continuously auto-saves your work.

App updates

HTTPie continuously improves the app and releases frequent updates with new features and bug fixes.


The desktop app downloads new versions automatically, even though you don’t have to install them right away.

Auto-update functionality integrated into the profile menu

You can check for updates and see the app update status straight in the profile menu. This makes it easy for you to have the greatest and latest version of HTTPie always installed.

Check for updates

Select "Check for updates…" in the profile menu.

See your app version

You can now access the current app version through the help menu. Clicking it copies the version identifier to the clipboard.

You can also see the version when you check for updates.

Required updates

The auto-update system is integrated with sync, and the update status in the profile menu will tell you when an update is required to maintain compatibility with the HTTPie cloud.


HTTPie for Web & Desktop continues in the tradition of HTTPie for Terminal and comes equipped with a thoughtful set of defaults reflecting the needs of most users and most of their use cases.

However, when it comes to a product as use case-rich as an API development platform, stopping at the defaults level doesn’t provide enough flexibility. Some means of customization are necessary.

To provide more flexibility, settings have their dedicated tab. You can open it from the profile menu. For now, you can change your interface and request preferences there.

Redirect behavior

Auto redirects is the most common behavior in graphical HTTP clients (from browsers to API testing tools). HTTPie has adopted them as well: when you make a request to, for example, HTTPie for Web & Desktop will now follow the redirect to

Setting redirect

Suppose that’s not something you want, and you prefer the default no-follow behavior from HTTPie for Terminal instead. No worries, you can disable this option.

SSL validation

By default, HTTPie verifies the server SSL certificate and rejects self-signed, expired, and non-matching certificates. Still, you can disable this validation:

Setting SSL verification

When you run into an SSL error and wish to allow invalid certificates temporarily, you can do that straight from the response view:

Turn off SSL verification in settings

Turn it on again from the settings when you’re finished.

HTTPie universe

HTTPie is the first API testing platform with clients for the Web, Desktop, and Terminal.

  • HTTPie for Web – The easiest way to try HTTPie is through your browser. When you encounter a web limitation (such as the ability to test APIs running on localhost and behind a firewall), we’ll offer you the option to switch to the desktop app. Try it whenever you feel like making a new API request.

  • HTTPie for Desktop - With HTTPie's dedicated desktop app, you can test APIs running on localhost and behind a firewall. A focused app also serves as protection against distraction rabbit holes, which are just a bit harder to avoid when working in the browser. Download the app, and start working locally and without distractions.

  • HTTPie for Terminal – The original flavour. Check it out.

HTTPie theme

Mobile and touch support

The app is 100% responsive (both Web and Desktop), and you can use all features on touch devices as well.

HTTPie with Mobile responsiveness

Mobile-friendliness is one of those features that you don’t need most of the time. But when you need it, you really need it. And with HTTPie, you can get work done comfortably from anywhere, anytime.

Keyboard shortcuts

Even with top-notch drag-and-drop support throughout the app, the goal for HTTPie for Web & Desktop is to become fully controllable via well-designed keyboard shortcuts.

All components are keyboard-accessible, and you can navigate to and invoke all actions using the Tab and Enter keys.

See the sections below for an overview of all the shortcuts available today.

Global keyboard shortcuts

These shortcuts are available on the desktop today, and we’ll bring a version of them to the Web over time.

ActionmacOSWindows & Linux
New tab (draft)⌘ T⌃ T
Close tab⌘ W⌃ W
Next tab⌃ ⇥
⇧ ⌘ }
⌃ ⇥
Previous tab⌃ ⇧ ⇥
⇧ ⌘ {
⌃ ⇧ ⇥
Nth tab⌘ 1–8⌃ 1–8
Last tab⌘ 9⌃ 9
Toggle library⌘ B
⌃ ⌘ S
⌃ B
Open settings⌘ ,⌃ ,
Open AI prompt⌘ I⌃ I

Request keyboard shortcuts

You can use these shortcuts when a request tab is open.

ActionmacOSWindows & Linux
Focus URL⌘ L⌃ L
Send request⌘ ↩⌃ ↩
Send request (desktop only)⌘ R⌃ R

Code editor shortcuts

These shortcuts are available in the body editor and the preview, request, and response panels when the textarea or search field has focus.

ActionmacOSWindows & Linux
Trigger autocomplete
(e.g., inside a GraphQL query)
⌃ Space⌃ Space
Open search⌘ F⌃ F
Open filter⇧ ⌘ F⇧ ⌃ F
Next occurrence⌘ G⌃ G
Previous occurrence⇧ ⌘ G⇧ ⌃ G
Next occurrence
(inside search box)
Previous occurrence
(inside search box)
⇧ ↩⇧ ↩

AI assistance

While in preview, you can use HTTPie AI for free with an HTTPie account.

AI assisted requests

HTTPie AI assistant uses artificial intelligence to allow you to create requests using human language.

You can type your prompt directly in HTTPie’s URL field. It’s similar to typing a search query in your browser’s address bar instead of the exact URL.

Alternatively, you can open the HTTPie AI dialog from the “+” menu in the library. In the desktop app, you can also use ⌘I. There’s a difference in that when you start in the URL field, accepting the generated request will update the one in the current tab instead of creating a new one.

Then hit “Generate” to get a suggestion.

If you like the request, save it. The saved request automatically gets a short name generated by the AI. If you don’t like it, you can hit “Generate” again, which often produces a different result. You can also try editing the prompt. If the request includes any placeholders or obvious errors, you can modify it straight from the dialog before saving it (or you can do that after).

There are two strategies for writing HTTPie prompts: describing the request and describing the intent.

Describing the request

You can ask the AI to generate an HTTP request by describing its low-level components like the URL, headers, and body:

Generate an array of 3 blog posts with title, author, and summary and post it to localhost 3000 api as user agent HTTPie AI

Describing the intent

For actions involving public APIs of popular services, you can describe the high-level tasks you want to accomplish:

List GitHub users

Here is another example where the model picks up that we mean a GitHub repo:

Fetch last release details of httpie/desktop


HTTPie aims to be perfectly tailored to your API requests & responses, but you'll always know better. The ultimate power is yours.

App theme

Regarding user interfaces, one of the never-ending debates is about dark theme vs. light theme. Whatever side you are on, you can feel right at home in HTTPie.

Light mode

Find the theme switcher in the settings, where you can stay with the default dark theme, switch to the light one, or have the app automatically adjust to fit your system theme.

Layout customizations

HTTPie's panel system is constantly growing more customizable.

You can choose to show or hide the library sidebar.

You can turn on or off the preview panel on the button at the right of the request form tabs. Depending on your window size, it will be open before the response panel; otherwise, it will open on top.

You can expand and collapse collections and drafts in the library sidebar as you wish. (However, HTTPie automatically expands the collection when you activate the request's tab.)

Furthermore, you can choose your preferred panels' width by clicking and dragging the panel dividers to make them wider or narrower—the same for the sidebar.

Panel resizing


HTTPie orders each item by the creation time by default. But you should fully own your organization, right?

In addition to moving requests between collections, you can drag-and-drop them to reorder them. And you can reorder collections as well.

Drag and drop in HTTPie

Also, drag-and-drop tabs and place them in your preferred order.

And do the same to reorder any form or table item.

Use drag-and-drop to re-order variables in the table

Except for environment reordering, where you can use the shift left/right menu items.

Use the Shift left/right menu items to re-order environments


Part of keeping a space organized is naming each item; it helps to recall and differentiate them.

HTTPie named requests
Double-click a collection or request in the sidebar to quickly rename it

With a double click, you can rename an item through its tab or the sidebar library. Simple!

But then comes the complicated part: picking a good name. Here are two tips:

  • HTTPie shows the HTTP method next to the request name. The <method> <name> pair works nicely as a <verb> <noun> sentence.
  • An emoji can be worth a thousand words 😜.
  • If you choose not to name a request, the URL will be used dynamically to identify it.


A picture is worth a thousand words. You can use icons to give your projects a personal touch and help you orient in your workspace at a glance without taking up much screen real estate.

Collection Icons

Customize a space or collection with an icon and color when creating or editing a space or collection.

Interface design

You may have already noticed that we obsess over user experience in places where humans meet APIs.

Unified code style

We designed the new HTTPie brand with the incredibly talented team at Koto. Part of the brand is an extended product palette, which we—as a developer tools company—designed with beautiful code syntax highlighting in mind.

Below is a page from our style guide and an example of how it cascades down through a Tailwind CSS config to our design system and to the product:

HTTPie colors

This way, you’ll have a consistent experience across all HTTPie apps.

Refined cursor system

We like to simplify things, a lot. For example, let's look at the cursor system.

HTTPie cursor

Pointer cursors were invented to indicate links on the Web. It is tempting to adopt them for all active elements in apps that use web technologies, like we initially did. However, after a thorough research, we decided to say goodbye to pointer cursors.

We continue to use them for elements that are actual web links. But just like modern native apps, you’ll now see subtle hover effects and regular cursors for all other active UI elements instead. This makes the UI feel quieter and the experience more pleasant.

Contextual dialogs

When you’re in the flow, you do things somewhat automatically. That’s great; HTTPie users should be fast and productive. Some sensitive actions, though, need special attention and care – e.g., deleting something.

That’s why the confirmation modals are contextually informative, to make you fully aware of what you are doing and ensure that’s what you want to do.

HTTPie delete dialog


There are tooltips all around to help you understand the interface, provide help, and let you peek at the content inside a hidden element.

Request form tabs tooltips

Provide feedback

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